Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Time for Predictions

The New Year is often a time for predictions and I’ve been peering into my crystal ball. If Bob Messenger will allow me, I will happily re-print these thoughts in a further 12 months and we can all laugh at my foolishness!

Food Scares
A confident prediction this one – there will be lots, but each new finding will have a lower impact on consumers as we all face what I call SAS or scare avoidance syndrome. The net effect of this will be that most of us will miss at least one valid and important message about our food.

British retailers don’t have much of a track record when it comes to entering the US: Sainsbury with Shaws, Marks & Spencer with Brooks Brothers but Tesco in California will be different and I predict they will succeed.

Food Types
Short shelf life, chill fresh meals or meal components will be tried again – this time the mix of distribution logistics and consumer demand will work. Watch out frozen food you have a new competitor.

Green Issues
Whilst 20% of the greenhouse gas methane, is from the “emissions” of cattle I don’t expect the nation to go vegetarian, but I do predict that the carbon footprint of many food production processes will come under increasing scrutiny. It’s not just a threat, there are opportunities here too!

At home
I think that we will continue to see a return to families eating together, not every day, not every meal but certainly more often. Emotionally allied to this will be the desire to return to real food, at least partly prepared by Mom. Meal kits, component foods and perhaps especially preparation centers like Super Suppers will make further gains.

Health Claims
2006 has been the year of dark chocolate and still wider acceptance of red wine. Next year will see much greater emphasis on superfoods like cranberries, blueberries, almonds and of course pomegranate. Breakfast cereals and bars seem the most likely carriers but they may spread as wide as ice cream and salads.

Right or wrong? Glaring omissions? Do let me know!


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