Monday, March 02, 2009


Forecasting is a mugs game and yet every year, every industry and every pundit puts pen to paper and attempts to foretell the future.

It all seems a little like trusting a stockbroker – I mean if they really knew do you think they would tell!

I’ve been guilty of trying the same but this year I feel calls for a different response so I’ve been seeking out Food Industry punditry in an attempt to see what if any commonality could be found.

I’ve read  words of wisdom from 26 observers, from the newsworthy at Reuters to the homeliness of the Winston-Salem Journal, from AgriBusiness at  Farm Bureau to  broadcast at The Food Network and science at  Inside Cosmeceuticals

Forecasting never is science and this review certainly isn't either, it’s a distillation of other peoples ideas, picked over by me and  presented to raise some thoughts, perhaps some disagreements and hopefully some extra insights to help as we get to grips with how to innovate in a very different economy.

I'll post what I've found over the next few days - until then here's a taster

5 Hot Nutrients

Vitamin D




Omega 3

Based on number of pack claim mentions!

Lots of tips for……

Peru as the next cuisine with its influences from Spain, Africa, China and Japan. Its not all sevice and Pisco Sours ,and it looks very in. Make mine a large one please

Lots of tips for……

Peru as the next cuisine with its influences from Spain, Africa, China and Japan. Its not all sevice and Pisco Sours ,and it looks very in. Make mine a large one please


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