Monday, September 28, 2009

Vanity Searches!

OK I admit it, we've all done it so I put my name into Bing to see if I still existed and there it was, a link to an interview with the UK Trade Mag Marketing Week in January 1996!

Scarily the same as 2009 - recessions come and recessions go........

Marketing Week
Fri, 19 Jan 1996

Risky Business

"Little wonder that during the recession, manufacturers slashed their npd budgets, laid off R&D staff and limited themselves to a few line extensions, rather than launching totally new, innovative products. According to researchers Leatherhead Food RA, the number of new food products - usually the largest sector for new product launches - introduced during the recession, fell by about 17 per cent
Nick Sawbridge, managing director of NPD specialist Innovate, says: "The major players battened down the hatches and were not prepared to take the risks involved. The few companies that didn't cut back tended to be family-run firms not shackled by shareholders. They are the ones now getting the payback. "