Thursday, March 05, 2009

Part 2

I’ve tried to gather the forecast elements under 5 headings and have kept the details brief. They are in no particular order— this is not based on weighted averages of times mentioned!


The Economy no answers here—it is of course the big unknown but  seen as driving all the following predictions one way or another.

Comfort Food as we return to cocooning.

Mini Bites & Sliders no more Super Size Me? Or lots of mini bites that add up to the same calories?

Relax & Sleep Well Drinks the antidote to energy drinks for a time when worry replaces    activity?

Food Miles in the US local is better, fresher although for Europeans it may be all about CO2.

Food Safety much much greater a concern in the US than Europe where Salads and Peanut scares seem  unknown and mad cow  or foot and 


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