Friday, August 28, 2009

Is there a “real” product waiting in your brands history?

So Mexican Coke is made with natural sugar and bottled in glass and has a following spreading out from California aficionados through the US - and Pepsi never backward in coming forward has launched Pepsi Throwback (but in cans) also made with natural sugar.

Maybe they taste better/different maybe its all about the badge but it’s a powerful reminder that innovation can be about looking backwards not just forwards.

Is there a retro new product just waiting to go in your brands history?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Meal Assembly - A Trans Atlantic Comparison

3 years ago Meal Assembly was THE hot franchise—and Super Suppers along with Supper Thyme were seen as leaders.
I visited one in Houston and was impressed—the mix of convenience, quality, family care and even friendship occasion seemed spot on—for America.
I couldn't see it transferring to the UK,-size of family size of freezer, and especially lack of free car parking just didn't seem to gel
At least one trial was made from David Lloyd, a successful tennis and fitness club operator— I’ve heard no more of it.
But now, perhaps overcoming all
my size based objections, Jamie Oliver has launched Recipease

Intimate Supper for 2?

Upper middle income London suburb “High Street” . Friday supper for 2 or Saturday Dinner Party “I cooked it all myself darling” .

Or Family Dinner for 6?

Classic strip mall in middle income suburbs, geared to make weekday family meals in 8-12 serving containers.

Horses for Courses….

Recipease is clearly targeting wealthy urban couples, the design and location are very upmarket whilst Super Suppers are aiming at middle income sub-urban families.

Both are products of pre-recessionary “good times”. Will they succeed in the back to basics era both countries now experience?

Personally I think both can make it but their different business models, franchise vs. corporate will define different definitions of success or failure.