Friday, March 06, 2009

Part 3



Offal and cheaper cuts of meat change the way we cook but match the comfort food and economic drivers.

Stevia the new Holy Grail a natural sweetener (sort of) even if it comes from an ingredients company and a soft drink.

Natural(ness) shorter more natural ingredient lists and far greater transparency.

Eggs Two pundits see 2009 as the year of the egg, or at least anyth


least major appeal for any food with an egg on top of it.

Lycopene— an old favourite but with claims of  stability at elevated temperatures typical of food processing and over a wide range of pH values seen as ready for greater success    .

 Probiotics no US consensus here and even less so for prebiotic. Seen as strong in Europe though.

Target Grey plenty of agreement however that targeting the health of greys stays important. Pom & brown rice singled out by some.

Calories. As more and more attention is given to obesity and hidden calories           restaurants will continue to be pressured to show their calories—but with what result, lower sales of high calorie foods, item switching within menu, better health or just  more guilt?

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Part 2

I’ve tried to gather the forecast elements under 5 headings and have kept the details brief. They are in no particular order— this is not based on weighted averages of times mentioned!


The Economy no answers here—it is of course the big unknown but  seen as driving all the following predictions one way or another.

Comfort Food as we return to cocooning.

Mini Bites & Sliders no more Super Size Me? Or lots of mini bites that add up to the same calories?

Relax & Sleep Well Drinks the antidote to energy drinks for a time when worry replaces    activity?

Food Miles in the US local is better, fresher although for Europeans it may be all about CO2.

Food Safety much much greater a concern in the US than Europe where Salads and Peanut scares seem  unknown and mad cow  or foot and 

Monday, March 02, 2009


Forecasting is a mugs game and yet every year, every industry and every pundit puts pen to paper and attempts to foretell the future.

It all seems a little like trusting a stockbroker – I mean if they really knew do you think they would tell!

I’ve been guilty of trying the same but this year I feel calls for a different response so I’ve been seeking out Food Industry punditry in an attempt to see what if any commonality could be found.

I’ve read  words of wisdom from 26 observers, from the newsworthy at Reuters to the homeliness of the Winston-Salem Journal, from AgriBusiness at  Farm Bureau to  broadcast at The Food Network and science at  Inside Cosmeceuticals

Forecasting never is science and this review certainly isn't either, it’s a distillation of other peoples ideas, picked over by me and  presented to raise some thoughts, perhaps some disagreements and hopefully some extra insights to help as we get to grips with how to innovate in a very different economy.

I'll post what I've found over the next few days - until then here's a taster

5 Hot Nutrients

Vitamin D




Omega 3

Based on number of pack claim mentions!

Lots of tips for……

Peru as the next cuisine with its influences from Spain, Africa, China and Japan. Its not all sevice and Pisco Sours ,and it looks very in. Make mine a large one please

Lots of tips for……

Peru as the next cuisine with its influences from Spain, Africa, China and Japan. Its not all sevice and Pisco Sours ,and it looks very in. Make mine a large one please